Comments : The Plan

  • 18 years ago

    by Azure :)

    Your poem is really strong in feelings and has alot of powerful feelings u express. god bless * xxx
    well writen

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren

    Wow. this is so sad.
    its so beautifully written. and no one should do that to you. they're just insecure about themselves.
    very amazing poem again, 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    People are jerks....

    Powerful poem. You might weant to tak e alook at some of the repetition and flow. Other than that it was really sad, attention getting, and showed how dumb society can be a times.

  • 18 years ago

    by Fallen~Tears

    Great job! I loved how long it was... it let you get into it.. not enough poems are long enough anymore.. you should great emotion and great depth!! Keep it up


  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah Ann this is so sad...I have this big lump in my throat and I feel like if I swallow I might cry. I'm sorry you went through such a thing, my friends ganged up on me once but for a different reason, and I thought I loved them too. It's a horrible feeling. Society is very cruel to people who are 'different' but please stay strong. Hopefully good things will come to you soon. Keep writing! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by jello

    Ohhhhh sad!!! this is really sad...i'm so glad no one has ever done this to me...this is good so i gave ya a 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    My best friend is gay, and he's talked to me a lot about how difficult things are, and how much anti gay there is out there. I don't agree with being gay necessarily, but I will never hate someone, or leave someone b/c they are. I am always disgusted by prejudice of this would because I will never understand how people can hate others just for one aspect of their identiy without being willing to get to know them more.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 18 years ago

    by azlan26

    This is such a sad poem,
    "I was looking for a lover
    Even just a friend"
    I loved that line, freat poetry
    It tell such an emotional story
    Keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    This is a well written peice, a similar thing happened to my brother once (who is gay) but they didn't beat him up in the end. this peice is brilliantly written and really expresses the situration pictured well.


  • 18 years ago

    by Emily

    & I thought my life right now, being on spring break alone eating reese pieces was sad...This almost made me cry!! It's very touching, with so much emotion in it!! Great job, 10/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Adriana

    I like this poem a lot....i like all your poems are very poetic

  • 18 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    "Natural in this sad belief." I don't really understand this line.

    "From my happy Sky's above." I'm not sure "Sky's" is what you were looking for. If you're making a contraction, then the line would read:
    "From my happy Sky is above.", which doesn't make sense. If you're using the 's as a possessive, then I'd still say that then line doesn't make much sense, as I don't know why the Sky would own an 'above'. maybe you meant happy 'skies' above.

    "Lead me on." the rest of this stanza is in the past tense, so 'lead' should actually be 'led'.

    "Thats when his friends came." there should be an apostrophe in 'thats', as it is a contraction of 'that is'

    "Having there fun." wrong use of 'there', it should be 'their'

    In a more general comment, I would suggest that you replace the periods at the end of every line with more appropriate punctuation, such as commas, or no punctuation at all if there isn't any necessary.

    I felt that at times it seemed like the rhymes were a bit forced, and I felt the ending was a little weak, especially because it ended on a 'man/plan' rhyme, which is a monosyllabic AA rhyme. I'd suggest going over your syllable counts within your stanzas and work a bit on standardizing them to get a stronger and more unifying rhythm going.

    I appreciate the message of your poem, along with the sad content, so don't feel like I'm picking on you. You asked for an honest opinion, and instead of comment on your poem's content, which is personal and significant, I instead decided to help you with grammatical errors.

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Very good poem. I love it. please never stop writing. you are great:)