The ABC's of My Misery

by BrokenREALiTy   Apr 1, 2006

Abandoned, Agonized, Apathetic and Apart
Knives being driven straight through my heart

Betrayed, Bleeding, Bitter and Broken
Full of words inside that have been left unspoken

Calamity, Crushed, Confused and Cold
The pain hidden inside, I can no longer withhold

Discouraged, Disheartened, Destroyed and Distressed
Suffering from the pain of Love's greatest test

Exhausted, Emotionless, Embittered and Encased
Will the memories never fade? When will they be erased?

Frantic, Frightened, Falling and Forsaken
Body left lifeless, soul has been taken

Grieving, Gloomy, Grumpy and Grim
No longer happy since I`m not with him

Hopeless, Humiliated, Heartbroken and Hurting
Every breath I take, my heart starts burning

Injured, Inconsolable, Impatient and Isolated
Stop this pain, I hate this life that I've been fated

Jammed, Joyless, Jinxed and Jittery
His voice and his touch will forever haunt me

Kaput, Klutzy, Kicked and Killed
Without him by my side, I have no will

Lonely, Lethargic, Lamenting and Low
The lunge at my heart; an excruciating blow

Mourning, Mortified, Miserable and Mutilated
No longer feel the happiness that he, alone, created

Nauseated, Nostalgic, Needful and Naive
Slowing dying without the love I used to receive

Oppressed, Overwhelmed, Obsessed and Offended
Why can't my heart understand that it's ended?

Punctured, Petrified, Paralyzed and Pained
So much left unsaid, so much unexplained

Quiet, Qualm, Queasy and Quavering
The pain is lifting, my tears are no longer waiting

Restless, Ruined, Ripped and Resent
He stole me away without my full consent

Saddened, Suffering, Shocked and Still
Dreams and hopes that I'll never fulfill

Troubled, Tormented, Torn and Throbbing
On my knees begging to stop this uncontrollable sobbing

Unhappy, Uncomfortable, Upset and Uneasy
Mind is blank, stomach feeling queasy

Violated, Vegetating, Vindictive and Vex
The boy I loved most has now become my ex

Withdrawn, Worried, Wounded and Weak
I've lost my voice, I'm unable to speak

X Friend, X Lover, X Wishes and X Dreams
To get him back, I'd go through the most extremes

Yelping, Yearning, Yammering and Yelling
Will I make it through life? There`s no telling

Zilch, Zapped, Zip, Zero
Mean nothing to him, yet he`s still my hero.
[c] 2O06 Mindy Huang

I wrote this on New Years Eve. Didn't think about sharing it till now.


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