You Make Me Want to Run Away

by myshiningstar14   Apr 1, 2006

I want to run
fly away,
somehow I
need to get
out of here.

The bad things
that bind me
to this world,
and the
"you're a troll"
"you're slow"
and "I don't
believe you are
who you say you
are," tear at me.

Why must I
put myself
through all this?
I have friends
that understand
me, and make me
want to stay.

I want to run
cry away,
die away.

The good things
that fill my soul.
And yet still I
need to escape,
need to run away.

Why can't I just
leave and then
come back? I
wish that I could
forget it all, and
my life would be
easier, and that
those words
would no longer
put a crutch on
my soul.

Still l just want
to run away,
jump away,
and laugh away.

So away I go,
i am running
faster than ever,
and you can't
catch me. Still
I know that I'll
be back.

**u kno who you please comment.



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  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    Duuude i hate it when friendships go to shit like this. you jus gotta remember that theres always tomorrow, and that there'll always be hope...and if you get offended a little easily, try to work on that. overall, a great poem. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by alive in death

    I never called you slow.... it was just flipping crazy the way we emailed eachother.... it was all one big mishappen.... now it's like you're stalking me... lol. i'm just used to a certain way of communication.... you where just "out of the oridinary".... (hope that's not to offensive... please dont cry) u gotta know... i've been around on the computer....and there is just a certain way that you talk to stay cool and everything to the person that you talk to.... and then there are ways that you talk that turn the other person off.... it's just a rule of thumb on the internet...havent you noticed that i've been ignoring you for awhile.... you get offended easly.... and when i have to deal with someone that takes on offence all the time... i get guarded and have to think of new ways to talk to that person... and that is just way to much work for me when i already have enough that i'm going through right now.... it's not fair that i have to work extra hard to come up with new ways to skate around hurting your feelings.... if you really where my friend you would take things a little less seriously...
    now this is saying something... because normally when i get fed up with someone or something, i just completly ignore them.... but i did you justice...(or shalll i say a favour) and i explained myself once more....
    things are cool with you and me.... but lets just take it easy on the commenting and stuff right now.... i'm really getting tire of all the work you are putting me through... i need a break... hope you understand.

    and the poem was great... at least your being honest,
    peace out,
    phil (wench)