You were always an exception.

by pseudo   Apr 1, 2006

I still look out the window you know,
Waiting for an answer, maybe a sign.
That you're out there somewhere
But you just got lost in time.

It's almost been three years.
Since I've seen your face.
I'm always searching for something,
To fill this empty space

We got caught in the moment of life,
It seemed as it was just you and me.
We didnt have a care in the world.
Our spirits were so free.

Now, your soul is so distant from me.
You still here with me though ,
Just so much farther away,
But you'll never let it show.

And I may dig my own grave,
Waiting for you to come back.
But it something I'm willing to do
Because acceptance is what I lack.

The cold, harsh reality of all of this is
I wake up, knowing I won't see you
I know you've moved on with life
I guess I always knew.

You always said time was on our side,
That the memories would keep us together
And I still really want to believe you...
But because of time I've lost you forever

And this is my final plea to you
Maybe one day I will get a reply
And I may just be waiting forever
I guess this is really good bye

I always said with brief happiness,
Comes prolonged pain.
But you were always an exception.



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  • 18 years ago

    by McKenna

    Omg, i love you..u took my feelings and gave them life.5 out of 5..XOXO

  • 18 years ago

    by Jason


    This is a rather sad piece. Who ever said that tis better to have loved and lost can kiss my but. The one thing that keeps you going in a time like this is that hope. Hope that they will return all the world will be bright again.

    An excelent piece. Masterful flow and penned with such emotion. I love it.


  • 18 years ago

    by AGirlWorthFightingFor

    Lovely. could apply to so many things.

  • I have felt almost exactly like that, this is an amazing poem, u should never stop writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Colin Chau

    Wow. I mean, not that many other people haven't experienced the same thing, but I'm so glad you could put it into words exactly the way you did it.
