If Only I Knew

by XxXangeltearsXxX   Apr 3, 2006

I desperately need to feel something
other than all this pain
I'd have killed myself a long time ago
If i knew I'd go through it again

I cant release my frustration
It just slowly builds up inside
No one understands me
No one has even tried

The world has slowly turned away
I don't want to be sad anymore
But every time i manage a smile
I end up worse off than before

I know i could truly be happy
If somebody cared for me
But such a person there is not
And there is never going to be

Maybe things will brighten up
but i don't expect it at all
For i know as soon as i find my feet
I'll just have further to fall


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  • 18 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    For being so young you write alot of dark poems that seem sad yet are very good. You have talent, but I'm sure you also have a curse to follow. In order for you to write so well, you must be going through alot. Every thing comes with a price. I'm going to add you to my Fav.
    Your Friend

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Brilliantly written, flows well maitains interest and is very descriptive and expressive


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