"I Cry, to Myself"

by J Avery Johnson   Jan 30, 2004

Sometimes, when there is no one around I cry.
Yet sometimes I conclude that I don't know why

The tears they steady flow endlessly it seems
In spite of all my tears, my heart begins to scream
Scream for all the lost my life has overcome
Lost without direction, abandoned by everyone

When there is no one around, I cry to myself
Emotions overcome by pain, yearning heart face with death
And why?
Could it be that it all starts with me
Maybe, I'm not sure, but it hurts maybe


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  • 21 years ago

    by Natalie

    Thats well good, I really like that
    Well done, you have so much talent, I've read some of your other poems and they're great.
    Keep writing because id love to see more :P
    Natalie xXx

  • 21 years ago

    by Alyssa Aka: lyssa

    Hey you know that not just gurls have feelins but guys do too!!! So when you cry it is totally normal and I know you know that but sumtimes guys just need to be reminded noone thinks different of them if they cry especially when it is over stress!! For I have cry so much Of my life It is like a relief!! God what if their was no such thing as crying then what would have such at great part in healing are stress and emotion??? Your poem was really beautiful and respectible to for sumtimes for a guy to share with other guys it is ok to cry and that you do but are afriad there is sumwrong with u, it is not like that just think of that tear getting rid of one stress thing thats bothering you so look at this:

    1 Tear= 1 Reliefed stress problem

    Now I am not saying it will be gone and fanish but it does make it seem relief and lowers the pressure!!! Your a great guy as i can tell for I loved ur comment on my comment page for one of my poems!!! Promise me that u will stay with poetry for ur talent is great so U need to stick with it!!!!
    Ok ok now I will read the rest of ur poems later like tomorrow but It is 1215 in the morning and I am sick but i was just check my emaila nd my site and you already had a comment so i was like i can't sleep right now so i will give this guy a shout!!! Ok so I will talk to you later!! Keep up your written!
    Always, Lyssa

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    Wow Avry that was awesome...just hope it's not from the heart :( I would hate to think you feel that way..but everyone does on occassion I guess just hopefully it's not an everyday thing...if you ever want to talk I'm Michellemybelle727 on yahoo...take care and great poem..will read the rest of yours sometime this weekend if I haven't already I'll have to look..and thx again for your nice comment...and yes, there are still some of us around...glad to see there's some deep men out there as well! Take care, luv, Michelle :)

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