Ashamed-Part 1

by *~*Princess*~*   Jan 31, 2004

When I was just a little girl,
You used to protect me,
You would never reject me.

But as i grew older,
You would put me down in shame,
Cross my mental pains,
And you would hurt me.

I guess you didn't know you hurt me,
But you did,
And I hate it real-really bad.

But now as I grow,
You won't let me do anything,
Cause you never trusted me.

Why do you treat me this way?
You would never have me here to stay,
But I won't be here long.

But the time I'm here,
You should let me have SOME fun,
Cause you hardly even know me.

When I turned to teenager,
You cooped me up inside,
I hardly got to see the light,
And I was blinded behind shame.

I never really did things,
Cause you thought you knew me,
You're very untrustworthy,
And I'm thinking of doing crazy things.

I cry, scream, try!
Sometimes I even put a thought down to DIE!

You don't know me cause you never tried to get to know me.

All you've done all MY life was try to keep me away from BOYS.
Nothings wrong with that,
But the consequence if you've done it with them.

You never put any trust in me,
You're the one who causes my shame.
You don't believe in me.

I'm ASHAMED to be with you,
I'm ASHAMED to live with you,
I'm ASHAMED to even look at you,

Cause you always never even seem like you care for me.

I'm ASHAMED to see you,
I'm ASHAMED to be your daughter,
I'm ASHAMED of everything..



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  • 21 years ago

    by *~*Princess*~*

    Thank U All Very Much..And I Really Mean That!

  • 21 years ago

    by JacqueLyn

    hey princess...sry it ttok me a while to look at your stuff, my computers been down. girl you got talent! i know how it is to have parents who think they know your every move and you get blamed for just changing your mind and sht! dont talk to your parents about it, they will just be mad and think they know you more...i hate that! well feel free to look me up. im putting more new sht on soon! big kiss


  • 21 years ago

    by *~*Princess*~*

    Hey..thank you for the parents arent the "talking to" type..they wont listen they dont care what it is..they bring up an argument about it..I'v tried so many times but it doesnt seem to help..I'll e-mail you so we could finish this talk..Thank You very much for the comment!!...:)

  • 21 years ago

    by *~*Princess*~*

    Please comment and vote on this poem. I wrote it when I was really mad at my parents. I write this way when I mad. So most of the death poems and depresson poems are how I feel when I'm mad. I feel this way most of the time. But comment and be TRUTHFUL please. I thank you all for your votes and comments. Thank You All!!!