People waiting on metal seats impatiently,
people standing on the edge
of the concrete ledge.
Babies crying, students
listening to music.
Business men carrying briefcases;
A raspberry red shirt
with a black silk suit-
to feel important, looking the part.
Cigarette smoke in the air
and engine fuel that
brings up dust that looms,
A red brick color underneath
but smoke like ashes bury it beneath.
A place of machinery, thick smoke.
People of business, people of
ordinary lives,
People of honor and people of sorrow.
Coke cans, cigarette packs
and chewing gum decorate
the dusty ground.
Signs noting trains delayed
and times to inform you of arrival,
A journey on the
London Underground.
Dusty tracks, serpent black.
Polluted air, deadly dare
Antique trains, traditional lane
A journey on the
London Underground.