My time of writing

by Mark   Apr 5, 2006

You can not be forced to write such things,
They're created from the beauty of the mind, not hearing those annoying voices and things.

A poem is not easy to write, I figured that out,
But when a teacher made me write one, I wanted to shout.

I never used to be able to write this,
But now I do.. and if I don't.. it's something I miss.
I can now write to express my feelings, it's so much easier than being forced,
It's something, that can be endorsed.

I'd love to share my poems with people at school,
But they tease me.. just because I'm not cool.
They think I'm a druggie which is all wrong,
It's been going on for ages.. it's been so long.

Writing for me has changed my life,
It's something I like; like rolling a dice.
I'm still beginning, that may be true,
But once I'm done, I'll be through.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Mark

    Haha I'm not an addict.. just like to gamgle a little ;)

    and.. I'm not cool in school.. I just hate all those people who are.. they're so up them selves, too! .. and thanks :)

  • 18 years ago

    by GoodMorning

    "It's something I like; like rolling a dice."

    Taha, that line makes you sound like a gambling addict. =P

    I love this poem, Mark. It's very good. And i can relate...I haven't been able to write much at all lately, and it sucks. Stupid writer's block. lol..

    And you ARE cool. The kids at your school are just retards and don't realize how awesome you are. =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Mark

    I changed it, lol.. sometimes when I write I don't know what to say.. lol

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    I can relate to this poem because when I don't write I miss it so much and I don't knoow what people would say if they really read my poems.
    This line kind of threw me off:
    They're created from the beauty of the mind, not hearing those dings.
    mainly because of the words, "Hearing those dings"
    otherwise keep writing.