Struggle Of A Single Mother

by Laura   Apr 5, 2006

Going through a difficult phase
trying to raise a baby alone
While you are still young
and barely even grown

Times are very hard
and you need assisstance
Never give up hope
always have persistence

Daily struggle surviving off welfare
and barely enough child support
Never looking back in time
with thoughts that you should have abort

No acknowledgement from daddy
as he refuses to take any responsibility
Every chance he can he claims,
"The kid doesn't even look like me"

Now you must concentrate
on being a good role model
You must set the example
you want your child to follow

Instill values that will be carried
throughout each phase of life
For family should never have
to be viewed as the cause of strife

Feeling of defeat as this is not
how you planned your life out
Second guessing yourself as
you are now filled with doubt

Learning to cope with each new challenge
will turn your frustration around
Easily adapting to every change
proves in this lifetime peace can be found

Please remember the sun
must always shine after the rain
I cannot pretend to be able to heal
or understand your pain

Quite simply my offer of support
will always be there extended to you
Hopefully my constant reinforcement
has helped change your point of view


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Very beautiful and heartfelt write Laura. Very much enjoyed reading your heartfelt poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Tricky Daze

    My mom is that one,my dad left us 4 years ago,yea it made me cry,it's so emotional,and what a small world it is,isn't it?(i hope you understood what i mean)
    Well done

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    I can relate to this as I was a single mom for 6 years before I met my wonderful husband. At times I felt overwhelemd with work, school and taking care of children. In the end it all paid off though. I believe the struggles in your life can make you a stronger person. Thank you for sharing your poetry, it is an inspiration to many.

  • 18 years ago

    by ReBecca

    Good Job. I am a single mom, myself, and know exactly what you're saying in this.

  • 18 years ago

    by ADyingProphet

    Good job. it definalty replicates the typical yet sad life of most young teenage mothers. i can definalty feel for that poem even though i am a guy. good job 5/5.