Together (I know... how orginal!)

by Poetvoices   Apr 6, 2006

To you,
Even my tears are beautiful.
I can do no wrong.
For me,
There's nothing you wouldn't do
to comfort me.
To me,
I'll never find anything better.
You're the best one could hope for.
For you,
I'd shed blood, sweat, and tears
to ensure another day with you.
With you,
I feel invincible,
and I feel flawless.
we're unstoppable,
and we plan to live up to our potential.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Oh kris that was AWESOME! *grins* i loved it. I love coming back after my computer crashs *shakes fist at computer* and seeing all these lovely new poems from my favorite poet! *hugs* as always i'm going with EXCELLENT! *grins* luv ya sis
