On the death of Common Sense (an Elegy)

by jed   Apr 6, 2006

O! since I have known thee close
I am disheartened at the knell
that signifies thy placement in the grave.

Thy memory shall surely fade
as quickly as the fruit-tree's bloom
for those who from themselves thou strained to save.

Thou left no heirloom legacy
or Testament to vilify
those for whom thy passing goes unmourned

As children scampering about
when adult supervision's spent
could only be the objects of thy scorn.

For those of us who held thee dear
an aching void and hollowness
almost too apalling to abide

Inanity surrounds us now
foolishness the rule of law
the sophomoric now a source of pride.

O! That thou could rise again
to liberate us from the chains
the Idiots now force us all to heave!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by shobhana kumar

    Jed, this one is simply fantastic. the diction, the flow, the passion it evokes is so strong, i stand in awe of your work.

    great writing once again!

    good luck and peace