The Flute and The Rose

by Kenshin   Apr 6, 2006

*Topic: Thunderstorms and Music*

Music only heard by the deaf,
A rose that stands up tall and proud,
What is the story behind these two things?
And why are they so unique.

He played the flute,
Music floated from his heart,
But none could listen to it,
None but those who're deaf.

The blind could hear his flute,
From way up in the mountain,
And when they touched the rose,
While hearing his song,
They instantly were in paradise.

When a storm blew in from the North,
And Thunder came in with lightening,
A single rose stood high and mighty,
Against the strongest of the winds,
And the fiercest of thunderstorms set in,
That rose stood mighty and strong,
And survived everything.

They say that we use our sense to tell what is what,
But have you ever tried closing your eyes,
And closing all senses,
If you tried,
You might finally hear the flute player’s song,
And see the rose that stood strong and proud.
In the midst of all the silence.


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