A study on aging

by erotema   Apr 6, 2006

Look westward, toward the setting sun. See now that all we have strove for is not fallacy and there is truly a Light to follow. We have made it thus far, and now answers become questions.

Our apt stagnancy has become rife. To forsake our destinies is to forsake ourselves. And yet now we find ourselves in the redundant meeting halls, nose-deep in the book of apathy and vice, not contrition.

We must not resolve ourselves to lives of ennui and acedia. The human spirit must drink deep of the Pierian springs, as Pope would have wanted. If we cannot revel in the joy of human excellence, what purpose is there left for us to exist, if such a thing we truly do?

Therefore, look westward; see the green forests against the golden sky. That beacon will lead you to your glorious sepulchre, but fear it not. Thy bark shall carry thee to a land untouched by the hands of flaw. You are entering a world of age and wisdom, quite uncharted by that vessel bearing you hence. That resignation of youth shall yield a new life.

You shall ne'er become a name. You have left a part of yourself in all you have done, and thusly you shall live on. Be not melancholy, for misery breeds misery. Look joyfully on each new step in your journey. There is no place for the unchanging.

You have traveled the shores of Greece, and you have changed from the experience; you are no longer the presumptuous youth that once you were, but a bright eyed man.

We are all men of the same climate. Your place is not to end now. Ambition sets us apart. It is ambition that will keep us together, and ambition shall tear us apart. If not for aspirations, the Light would ne'er again shine.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Ixora

    Amazing poem from storyline to structure. I truly enjoy reading it and believe the work is as relateable as it is revolutionary. I hope you keep to writing as I would like to become a regular reader.

  • 18 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    Wow..i mean...WOW!...i'm...speechless. i loved it so much. great imagery and depth. great use of vocab too. your poem really made me think...i love poems that do that. 5/5. terrific.

  • 18 years ago

    by J Lau

    Powerful indeed. Such complexity in a piece deserves true recognition. I think your writing will inspire a lot of us here. You ended the poem with the perfect metaphor "If not for aspirations, the Light would ne'er again shine." Excellent write!

  • 18 years ago

    by Fallen Angel

    Such evocative imagery and such a stunning use of language, truely masterful. I think the deliberate obscurity of the meaning gives the reader a great opportunity to read into your poem as far as they want, whether all they want is to skim the surface or dive into what is quite obviously an incredibly deep and well thought out poem. 5/5, no question x

  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    Very good write. I think for me at the beginning when I started to read I was unsure of what to expect almost as if it looked overwhelming. The style you chose to write this was different and unique, paragraph form. I myself find it very hard to write in that style.
    I may sound like a broken record but your use of vocabulary is very imressive.