I know god is gay

by KAP DAR   Apr 7, 2006

God is gay Like a Greek god
a statue that lost his arms
beautiful in all his glory
in all man kinds dismay
desecrated much in the same way
human rights have been desecrated
as you are god and god is gay
All do suffer when one suffers
I say take god off the cross
and give this man love
man-kind deserves more
then what we have given our selfs
after all he is us
he becomes us like a rain drop
becomes a entire ocean
as one dream becomes reality
the joy in your heart can be felt
understood and loved
by the ones who choose to
live a joy full life
true happiness comes from with in
true happiness may be felt
from others internal happiness
the same way a yawn is contagious
joy full happiness is contagious
as it is a gift from us
to us
in all that you are.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Chris

    I think its an interesting concept, God could be male female, black white, so why not straight bi gay... Would have been better with some formatting though :P

  • 18 years ago

    by Erikah

    I think that is HORRIBLE and u shouldn't wwrite about things like that.