I have a rose, I hold a rose

by Sabrina Large   Apr 7, 2006

I have a rose I place in a special place each an every year and when I want to say I'm sorry
I have a rose that my husband gave to me on our wedding day
I hold this rose close to me
for it symbolizes the love we shair that never dies not even after death for we shall be together no matter which world we live in regardless for now and forever
I have a rose that tells me no matter what even with those thorns of life the commitment we have devoted to each other in this life time and the next not a single soul can reach thy breath of everlasting love an to this day I stand by your side for now and forever we shall be one
I have a rose that never grows old and still smells of beauty even after death which tells me that you love me now and forever regardless of looks an I love you now and forever regardless of looks


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sabrina Large

    I love this poem I wrote cause I wrote it for the man I am going to marry in a few months who is not only my common law husband but the father of my child as well. His name is Chris McGillvray

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