
by my name is Llama   Apr 8, 2006

Sitting, staring out the window deep in thought
What to choose, which pathway should i take
Both have positives and negatives niether one is all good
It's so hard to make a choice when one person wants one thing and another person wants another
If i choose what i want i risk hurting others
But what exactly is it i want
I cannot live with the pain of not telling people what happened
Or maybe i can, because i have already gotton this far
My family and their family are such good friends
Should this be a secret i have to live with the rest of my life
No matter how much pain it may or may not cause
To think something as small as a secret can have such a big effect
What to choose, what to choose
I have so many questions but no answers
All i can do is think
All i can do is wait
Wait until i'm ready


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  • 18 years ago

    by kittykat0232

    Aww if this is how u really feel im sorry!!!!! =( i know it is difficult to make choices but hopefully everything will be okey! great poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    This poem is very expressive and well written, it is protrayed very well thoughout

  • 18 years ago

    by cassie

    I love this poem, it pulled at my heart strings, you are a very talented writing and i can see theres a lot of depth in this poem, if you could please comment on some of mine it would be much appreciated, and if u ever need to talk im here,
    love cass xoxo