by Naerwen
I disagree with you, this is a truly amazing write. I am sorry for the pain that produced this. |
I have gotten carries away from time to time by the clicking of my keyboard and the thoughts of my deranged brain as well, not to worry. You have a good message and some great material, so maybe when you have some time you can go through and cut it down a bit, elimiating some repeats and unclear ideas. I would call it a brillant first draft, and it will be even better if revised a bit. I know I have done that with some of my poems, particularly my poem Sorry is Never Enough. At first it was a jumble of words and emotions, but now I have narrowed it down into a finished product that I am proud of. Just my advice, you don't have to take it. Best to you hun! |
by Natalie
Hmm.......This one made me cry...Honestly, I had to stop reading it for a second cause i was crying. It reminded me of my mum alot. But anywho, It was really good! I loved it! 5/5 |