Poem For a Friend (who might not exists)

by Purple   Apr 8, 2006

I've never seen your face
Yet I miss you
I don't even know your name
Yet I miss you
I still know where to find you
Yet I continue to miss you
You believe me to not be who I say I am
Yet I miss you
I think you're avoiding talking to me
That's why I miss you
We have probably lost much to talk about
Yet I want to talk
I'm not who I was when we met
Do you miss her?

You don't know you know my name
Yet I know I don't know yours
I miss that
I miss the time we spent together
Miles apart
I'll never forget you
Even though it's you I never knew

I'm sorry I scared you away
Lost you
Your trust
I almost wish we never met
But we haven't
I almost hope we never will

I hate knowing you're there
But not talking
Why don't you just leave
So I can miss you
Without having to see you

I'm sorry I scared you away
Made you think I was a lie
I always try to be true
But how would you know
Surely a child's mind can't be how mine was

I don't want to say bye forever
But I miss you too much for this hope
I don't want to become your crazy fan
I just want to be your friend

You might have been the first to hurt me
But now I really do miss you
This is what happens when
A little girl grows up and
Starts missing her first real Internet friend


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  • 18 years ago

    by *Chels & Britt*

    OMG! I can realate to this soooooo much! When I was 12 I was really hooked on cyber chat rooms! I met a lot of people that I miss so terribly...I still talked to like 4 of them..but some I miss so much! I am so glad that I am over that because I did hurt a lot over and it and I do agree with you on missing people you never met...theres just that feeling inside you, the butterflies, the knot in your stomach I know the feelings!
    Way to express your emotions