Tears fill my eyes,
I can't believe how I loved you so much,
I thought best friends meant something,
But soon I realized it meant nothing,
Its just something we call,
A person we are close with,
In time that all changes,
And no one cares,
That you cried yourself to sleep,
Your now just a memory in there mind,
No one to special,
Just a girl they once knew,
Maybe I had a different view of friendship,
For when I called you my best friend,
I truly did mean it,
I made mistakes,
That may have showed you other wise,
But I can't pretend you meant nothing to me,
You were more then just a friend,
But rather my sister,
Maybe not through blood,
But through my heart,
I think about you all the time,
As I look back on photographs,
I see all the good times we once shared,
But I can't see the bad,
No one takes pictures of the tears,
Just the smiles,
So I can't remember all the bad times,
But rather the good,
I wish you knew I loved you,
And I hope one day we can be best friends again,
I'm sorry for hurting you,
But you caused me tears too,
I'm ready to ignore all the pain you caused,
If you would just be there for me,
And I'd be there for you...