Do not feel sorry for me just understand and be thankful Part 2

by Daranged_psycopath...wholovescheer   Apr 9, 2006

I was riding my bike and all of hte sudden a sharp pain in my right side came and i fell off.
I was suddenly having a sick feeling.
I knew a Cyst had erupted.
My mother made a gynocologyst*sorry canot spell* appt.

I went and nothing SEEMED to be a Cyst.

When Dr. Chong pressed down on my side and lifted up he said i had to have my oppendix out.

Mom rushed me to the E.R. once again. She told them my situation *high fever yet cold no hunger lack of sleep*

They placed me on a bed freezing cold. They would not let me have many blankets.
They made me drink 3 bottles now of that yucky stuff.

They made me drink alot of water*i mean so much i got sick drinking it cause they only gave me 15 min to drink it down*

They made another uraine test and I.V. they injected lots of unusuall stuff into me. They put demoral in me for hte pain and I was out.

What happend between then and the time i got home i dont\'know.

I do know i had another CT Scan .
My mother did not tell me i also had a chance of having Endometriosis. *look up on the same site as last time *

wow i looked at wat could happen to me.

I have it as we speak a Cyst. I refuse to tell my mother in fear of having to go to the hospital.
I will tuff this one out. I have to.

I ask of all who read this to please. Think about what you are going through. Not! Think about the good things in life. Stop thinking negative. i know somebody has it worse than me. I truly know. I think wow i have it made.

I hope you are inspired to *have it made*

(i would tell you more about my life but i am saving that for an awsome book called, Dara *not concieded of me to name it that because i feel there are not enough Daras in the world so why not share the name as well as the story huh*

I love you all


The blood from it had gone up my tubes and into my stomach resulting in the pain and sickness.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Polly

    :-( Woh you sound like you're having a hard time of it. But I get the message you are saying in it, and it's hard but true. Take care xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Alex Marlatt

    Wow damn that was thoroughly depressing I seriously hope that everything ends ok. I did not understand some of the more scientific parts of the stuff but I know that is bad stuff.