Hush Now My Baby

by myshiningstar14   Apr 9, 2006

It's been a while,
hush now my baby,
don't you cry, let
me tell you sweet
things that will make
you smile.

Hush now my baby,
don't you cry, just
lye on my lap and
let me comfort you.

With soothing lotions,
and warm kisses.
With soft words, and
lots of hugs. It's
going to be alrigt.

It's been a while, come
on let me be the strong
one, and tell you that
it's just begun.

Hush now my baby, don't
you cry, I'm going to sing
you a lullaby.

With love songs, and phone
calls, late into the night, it's
going to be alright.

It's been a while, come on let
me go that extra mile.



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  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    With love songs, and phone
    calls, late into the night, it's
    going to be alright.

    love those lines right there...excellent poem. keep up the great work