Torn between running and crying
Lost in confusion and anger
Why'd this happen?
Who did it?
Mixed emotions filled with "what ifs?"
Please keep your mind straight
Should I tell or keep it in?
Then again who'd believe me?
Stuck in a world
Experienced, but not ready
Not the first time
Each time hurts more
Dying inside,
Hiding the pain
Scared of them
Yet i wanted to be comforted
Lying with a smile
Saying I'm "OK"
Never thought Id do it
I cant be, I wont be!
I cant stand to be touched
told that I'm pretty
I get scared for myself
I felt safe with a person
But they left
Now theres another
but he has no idea
Left all alone in the world
Having to live with the fact
Why cant i die?
I don't want to go through this!!!!