Your New Girl

by Jill Turner   Feb 2, 2004

Me and you,
Have been over with.
Yet your new girlfriend,
Always tries to start sh*t.
Me and you,
Weren't meant to be.
So why is all this sh*t,
Coming to me?
We're friends you know,
And that's it.
Yet every time we talk,
She throws a fit.
You hurt me,
And you know it's true.
So why would I want,
To get back with you?
I've moved on,
And you know that.
Cause I'm happier now,
And that's a fact.
I've dealt with enough,
Sh*t from you.
So I'm not gonna take,
Any sh*t from her too.


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  • 21 years ago

    by Concealing Words

    good poem i can relate, i dated a guy for only three weeks my sophomore year and every girlfriend he had after that hated me even during my senior year, i guess he was still talking about me or something. Even a girl that i was friends with started dating him and didn't like me. i guess jealousy can really have an effect on people. just take it as a compliment because she feels threatened by you. keep it up.

  • 21 years ago

    by Jill Turner

    Me and my ex broke up about 5 months ago and me and him are still really good friends. We were together for 7 months and we were each others first loves. He has a new girlfriend who always tries to start stuff with me because she doesn't like how close me and my ex still are. So I wrote this poem and I'm dedicating it to her. I hope you guys like it and I would appreciate all of your commets. Thanks!!

    ~*~Jill Turner~*~

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