Passionate Remembrance (Acrostic)

by HOLLY ARMER   Apr 11, 2006

Promise me forever
a lifetime in those eyes
soulfully beckoning me
seducing my thoughts
imprisoning our hearts
offering eternal love
nothing more
as I relive
the days gone by
embracing the past

Recalling our youth
each heated glance
moments of passion
enchanting my frail
mind with such
beautiful memories of
romantic desire
as we hold on always
never faltering
cherishing one another


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Bravo, amazing Acrostic Holy, sensational work!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    Love the love poem Holly! you're really good at these. the last three lines were such a great ending to it, completed it so well.
