The Wolf

by fallen angel   Apr 11, 2006

I sit up on a cliff at night,
Howling at the moon.
I'm sitting there all alone,
Staring into the gloom.

I want a friend to talk to.
I need a mate for life.

It's not nice sitting here in the dark.
I'm all alone and cold, waiting.
Waiting for someone to stay by my side.

I don't mean to scare off people,
they just don't understand.
If people weren't so simple minded, it might not be so rare to see me.

I'm scared of the open now.
The guns.
The rumors.
The lies.

Why am I alone?
Why don't people understand?


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  • 18 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    I absolutely loved this poem. I loved the imagery with the wolf. The flow was alittle off in some place, but I liked the way you worded everything. The way you put the words was very interestong. This was very good. Keep up the good work.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    The wolf imagery is perfect as a symbol and so is the night. The flow is a bit off in places and the repetition constantly reminding us the wolf is alone aslo throws it off a bit. I think this could be good if you want a little more in depth :) 4/5

  • 18 years ago

    by PS

    I like it. the wolf imagery is awesome. some of the flow is a bit off i think. a little rearrangement might improve it. but i like the way it is too.

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