Mirror Monster

by samantha   Apr 11, 2006

School yard fun, playing games
Making friends and calling names
All until that fatal day
when one girl could not stand and play
Her breath was gone; heartbeat undetected
Cares of family and friends left unprotected
Left laying in cold blood
Face pushed down in the mud
Carelessly shot down from all life
Stabbed in the back with an invisible knife
No one could see her crystallized tears
Or her soul surrounded by all her fears
She was killed by a girl so mean and so cruel
She totally broke every rule
The body fell motionless and still
Eyes wide open looking to kill
With a single thought revenge would be sweet
The rug of life pulled out from her feet
This monster of a girl from the inside looking out
Killed her best friend without a slight doubt
She showed no sadness for what she did
Or the lost life that was only a kid
Not even sixteen years old
Left to die, Heart frozen in the cold
He sold to the devil was sold
No longer for her friends to hold
This monster she knew all to well
A secret she would never tell
She looked into the mirror one last time
To see the monster who'd take her life

....Comment please and I'll return the favor!!! kkthanxbaii!!....


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  • 18 years ago

    by KAT

    Very well written!