Trees listens to my cries
This land listens to sighs
Maybe we can grow new playgrounds to be different
The skies call for me
Do I listen?
Peek sunshine rays will reach me for my new heaven
Looking glasses will find me a new home
Feared along my new home will make me who I am
Tread my ears to never listen to my sounds
Believe in me and I will take you there
Come faster to gain my slower enjoyment
Here and now will greet me forever
Gone to see my solid measures of time
We have been up this mountain a few times
Conquered what you never saw
Your play has told me to look elsewhere
Breaking my mind will make you disbelieve
Follow the leader and not the other
Your mind made up that picture to never be painted
We have seen your time shattered by your own image
Come now and fix that broken vase that holds your rose
Useless as the rocks that formed in our way
As we grow this grass will flow to our needs
Shortened life will spare our hearts
I have taken this pleasure
I have made it into something you cannot see
The earth will move to your understanding
It sits waiting for your answer
Your life will be called to that world
Trees will stop listening to my cries
This land will stop listening to you