Bush An Blair

by aj   Apr 12, 2006

I often look at the whole wide world,
an see the differences all unfold,
no one at peace all at war,
which there is no reason for,
young soles dieing everywhere,
all because of them bush an Blair,
why are they not on the front-line,
if they believe all that they sign,
is it for the good of the countries,
or just the oil pension an sundries,
why is it so many lives have to be lost,
just the loss at the public cost,
no one cares about anything but money,
no value or morals just is not funny,
the direction there taking the world into,
no wonder army families get down n blue,
not even the leaders show remorse or even care,
just stand in-front of all lie with a insecure glare,
knowing there doing wrong an knowing its not right,
how do they sleep with themselves every night...

Aj Aj Aj

Copyright �©2006 Aj Aj Aj


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