
by Innocent Danger   Apr 12, 2006

I see this sad girl
standing in the rain
she seems alone
holding such great stress and pain

she lets rain run down her face
it seems to take place of the tears that soon erase
she just let it wash away
you can see her hope for a batter day

you can see her
praying to a god that dosent seem to care
and a hope goes out to her
hoping he will answer her prayer

you stand alone
all she wants is someone to care
but they walk
she smiles..even thought her lonleyness is becoming to much to bare

just by looking
you can see she is broken
to bad i cant help it
i hate being this person


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lovesick 4 Jesus

    Wouldnt you rather live you life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn't....rather than live like there isnt and die to find out there is?

    because then what.....its too late

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovesick 4 Jesus

    Hunni this poem is very expressing and has lots of meaning. Let me remind you that God is there hunni and he loves you SOOO much. hes there for you and he cares. Sometimes were punished so that somethign will com eof it. Trust me hunni my life has been PURE hell. but u see im still here. he's bigger than that. He's bigger than this world and he will give you way more than what this world even has to offer. I was an inch away from suiside and i realized that god didn't create somethign so beautiful for me to destroy. In my eyes im ugly in his eyes im a master piece and every single area of me is precious......because he created me. Hun he is the ONLY one who will be there for you until the very very end. I was depressed for so long and ye im stil sad. But in order for me to move towards the next stage and walk with christ in my life i had to forgive. I've been hurt so badly and yes i had to forgive because they are sinners and they know not what they do. They are the awful people who will have to spend and eternity in hell and that is the wirst possible punishment there is. They will NEVER ever be able to feel the love of God again. Yet even in hell he is still there. Wherever you make your bed he is there.

    please listen to what im saying hunni.

    Jesus cares soooo much. If not he wouldn't have died on the cross for you. He saw your face while he as hanging in misery and even at that time. He was all alone. His father (god) couldn't bare to see sin. And at that point and time he had taken everyone who was and is to come's sin and it was all upon his shoulders. He went to hell for 3 days because God could not bare to let sin into his kingdom. Thats why we celebrate Easter because that is the day that he rose.