Missing Piece

by myshiningstar14   Apr 12, 2006

My heart had a void,
something was missing.
I tried so many things,
but nothing would fill it.

So the crystal tears
formed, and created
quite a storm.

My heart has a whole,
something was gone.
I tried sex, drugs, and
parties; but still nothing
seemed to fit just right.

Empty heart,
and no where
no where to start.
You're the missing
piece, baby, don't
you see?

The crystal tear have
frozen, and the missing
piece is found, and a
new life is brought to me.

I have found my missing
piece, its you. Thats how I
know I'll make it through.


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  • 18 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Awesome job, lissa!! 1000/5 girl, you should look into getting your poems published!!! ;) wouldn't johnny LOVE that?! lol
    luv ya!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Even though you had a Bad day
    this poem was still great
    and dont let a bad day affect your poetry
    Sometimes a bad day helps out
    Because feeling sad, gives u that extra emotion and u can write it in your Poems
    Great job