Its never easy to say you are hurt
To say you are loving the wrong guy
To say you are lost and don't know where to go
Or to say that nobody cares
Its never easy to feel all the pain in your heart
To feel all the tears coming down your face
To feel all the guilt of lying to the world
Or to feel your heart shatter to piece
Its never easy to see everyone happy
To see everyone in love
To see everyone hide their real feelings
Or to see everyone live their life in the light
And not in the shadow you live in
Its never easy to pretend you are ok
To pretend you are not broken inside
To pretend you are heart is full of joy
Or to pretend you are not silently dying inside
Its never easy to feel alone
Or to see everyone live the life you always wanted
Its never easy to say you are hurt
Or to pretend that life is like a dream come true