Mother and daughter

by craig   Apr 13, 2006

Enraged too the bone, never felt so alone. Wanted too feel sunlight on her face ended up despising the whole human race.
Cocktails of deception from too many left her bitter and wanting nothing more too do with life.
In moments happiness could succumb but too her these feelings, where far from none.

She waited all night long, ended writing a song, too show how she felt but nothing could cushion the blow she felt....

Mother was a character too herself, never letting her gain any wealth, of mind.
The hatred they felt left them bind. Together alone and miserable with no one in the world willing too love them they made a pact too never leave each others side, until one day the mother she died. She couldn't help but feel her mum had deceived her and somehow lied.

Bitter and now truly alone, her emotions could no longer hold,
She took the knife plunged it into her skin and ultimately took her desolate life.
The crimson fell, insecurity she was sure was the witches spell.
Now unable too defeat the witches craft, the world watched bemused, but they still laughed.


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