Last Nights Horror

by manic moments   Apr 14, 2006

The horrors of last night
Creep back into my mind
Penetrating my once stable brain
With addictive thoughts.

Unable to control my actions
I step to the door with the imagination of flesh
Swelling to my mind
Festering my head with deceiving actions.

In a silent rampage
I scamper the streets
Waiting for unexpected victim
To become the first of many.

How I thrive on this natural high
Watching as the world underneath comes alive
To ever pleasuring
Of my barbaric instincts.

How can no one feel the intensity
Of being watched like food
Of being targeted as a toy
For someone's own enjoyment.

They could not handle the truth
It is too complex
For their already small compact brains
That enables them to believe lies.

Many are like me to say least
They are called murders or cannibals
They clean the world
Of dead flesh for more food.

Many push the limit to fill in the blanks
For the dying victims who face
The truth that swirled in the world since
The beginning of time.

I find a target that appeals to me as
Not many do but he was different
From the common brainless human by
Questioning the limitations of the boundaries between our kinds.

He gently but determinedly ask
Do I choose this life?
Among any other
To live against the human race.

He sounds fascinated
Watching with the intense eyes
That I cannot face directly
As they see throw me like a windowpane.

He ask how I live
Why I live
Should I live?
With the evolving world closing in on these deathly actions.

Time is against me
As I choose to devour
Or convert him to the light
Of the truth that will burn his heart.

He turns to me after the initiation
Asking why is this turmoil in the world
I explain that it is not explainable, as no one knows
The complete answer as there is none to be found.

You mustn't dwell on the past as the future
Is there to haunted your discissions
Unlike the answer to why we are here
It is explainable in a complicated way.

Do not fear the future that holds ones life
As it will be altered in time by choices
But never will anyone understand his or her life
As it is easy to be taken as it was given that simply.

Last thought to my brain
As my species die
I leave those remaining clues
For all to see as my body is recovered...deceased.

PLease comment on this poem, I would like to know what you all think and see if I need to improve.


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