The eyes of which i see the scarce
plunder into an ocean so blue,
the eyes within holds the splendor
held not too deep within you,
it yearns to break free,
but your heart is scared,
it yearns to be scared but has
already broken free-
so then tell me what you see in
is it a broken soul at which needs
help to fix,
or a dark demon dwelling within?
is it the love you lost,
or love you resent from within?
which ever it is though i believe it
is there,
which ever it is it is there to behold
and held rare.
for you are one in a million,
in drunken splendor and in all,
you are the man through my eyes
could truly see it all.
you will get what you deserve,
no matter if it is now or tomorrow,
you will get what you deserve,
ten fold for your sorrow.