The really friend

by voluntary   Apr 15, 2006

A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.
Friends aren't blind to your faults -- but they can see beyond them.

A letter from a friend can make your day.

A friend will laugh at your jokes no matter how many times you repeat

A friend remembers the way you were, but won't insist you stay that

A friend is the only person who can make you laugh after a broken

Friends know there is no such thing as -- constructive criticism.

Friends aren't interested in your excuses they're interested in you.

When you ask a friend where he want to go to dinner... they'll choose
your favorite restaurant.

A friend knows where your panic button is, but never pushes it.

Friends can tell the truth without hurting you.

Friends take very good care of your hopes and dreams.

A friend remembers your pet peeves... your favorite colors... the
songs you like... and ignores the times you forgot to remember his/hers.

A vacation with a friend is not only more fun, but also less money.

Friends can turn arguments into laughter.

When you have doubts about yourself, call your friends, because
they'll have confidence in you.

Nothing hurts as much as hurting your friend... nothing heals as much
as being forgiven by your friend.

When a friend moves away, part of your history goes with him

Friends are the best part of ourselves.

So, Count Your age by friends not years...


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