The Suicide In The Darkness

by Shes_gonna_commit_suicide_sooner_or_later   Apr 15, 2006

The darkness settles like a blanket
Bundling up the town
Crows are flying round
Darkness is what you make it

The moon shines bright, a crimson red
I star gaze laying upon your bed
Drops fall off the moon like blood
Mixing with my tears to create mud

I pick up that knife and hold on to it
I bring the blade to my head
This is what the world will get
I've lost my life upon your bed

Cold steel against my face
Blood drops stream down my cheek in a race
To be the first on to the floor
I couldn't take it anymore

I lower the blade and slice my throat
Blood covers me like a coat
My heart is beating much faster
I'm destined to meet my master.

Again I lower the blade
Darkness is what I made
I stab through my hear, I go my own way
Now, lifeless and still I lay
In a puddle of blood
My tears nhow mix with mud


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  • 18 years ago

    by X2892

    This is a excellent poem 5/5