You wont understand

by bethan   Apr 15, 2006

I cant remember how, I cant remember why im lying here tonight with a blade in my hand and cuts all up my arm

I cant stand the pain and I cant make it go away. im slipping off the edge im hanging by a thread , I want to start this life all over again. I just want to scream.

I feel out of place, I just want to run away and never go back again no you dont know what its like when nothing goes right , no you dont know what its like to feel left out and no you dont know what its like to live in the dark

Im stuck in a world I hate, im sick of everyone around me with big fake smiles and stupid lies when deep inside you feel like your bleeding

Im on the edge of breaking down and no ones there to save me, I feel so lost and alone right now. I just need someone to hug and hear the words
Youll be alright


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