My Brother

by Jill Turner   Feb 4, 2004

My brother is the person,
I admire the most.
And his favorite number,
Is numero dos.
He's had this dream,
Since he was a kid.
To be someone great,
And do something big.
He wants to be,
A baseball pro.
And he's almost there,
Just a few more years to go.
He's worked his whole life,
To get where he is.
And when he's on that field,
He's in permanent bliss.
He's played in the heat,
And even the rain.
He's played through sickness,
And even pain.
This past year,
He took a ball off the face.
And when he went down,
My heart raced.
He had to be rushed,
To the hospital.
Where he had great help,
He had it all.
I knew he would come back,
Come back to the game.
And now he is known,
And has all this fame.
Even after,
After that day.
He still goes out there,
And with heart he plays.
So my brother is the one,
I admire the most.
But don't tell him that,
Cause I hate when he boasts.


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  • 21 years ago

    by Marta

    Very cute =')

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