To my valentine

by  tEEo   Feb 5, 2004

Accept, dear Sarah, this sincere token,
You'll find a love I've never spoken.

Your grace so pure, your face so sweet;
My heart has forgotten its steady beat.

A smile, a wave; I'm completely taken,
My core is left profoundly shaken.

My love for you is absolute and true.
I love your eyes, your smile... All of you.

I want your love, I want you near.
My fidelity is steadfast, never fear.

I know I'm not perfect, I can't deny.
To you, however, I'll never lie.

I'll worship you, my fair Goddess.
You have my heart and soul, no less.

I'm lost for words now, can't write another line.
So I'll just say: Please, Sarah, be my valentine?


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  • 17 years ago

    by I love you always and today

    Thats so cute !!!!!!!! I love this poem awww thats so sweet

  • 20 years ago

    by RockerJenni

    cool poem there keep up all the good work

  • 20 years ago

    by xUnbreakablex

    awww dat was so sweet!!! hu is dis sarah???? she sooo shud read dis. y cant it b 4 me???????????



  • 21 years ago

    by FrAnCeScA

    hey sweet cuddly bear,
    if she truly loved you she woulnt have done that... i know exactly how you feel i was with a guy 4 about half a year he awas my 1st love, and cheated on me 4 my best homegurl.... i almost succeeded in killing myself 9 times but after i talked about it to my homeboi i realized how lucky i wa that he understood. you should talk to someone because shes not worth killing yourself over. trust me i know. i give you a 5!! i too think cupid's stupid but you WILL find some one else someone better!!!! you have great talent!! email me back at or aim at ic2angelz .... you have great talent dunt end it just because of sarah.

  • 21 years ago

    by  tEEo

    AGONY! I've just found out that she's been going out with this other guy in secret! =`(
    noooooooooooooo!!! My valentine's day is ruined! Love bites ass!

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