Comments : The day i cried

  • 18 years ago

    by ..eliSa*

    Wow there is so much pain behind this poem. i really like the verse
    this is to the girl
    who made me bleed
    my suicide notes
    she now has to read just shows that what goes around comes around..she put u in pain n now she can suffer. great job, keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence


    Their all so sad! *gets out tissues* but Adels got a point a peom with no heart is just words. pour yourself into your work and it comes out liek a bizillion times better! lol

    *how adel really likes commas....*

    Anywho back on topic of....or right poem! lol its sweet to write about this girl and what happened but ... maybe branch out a bit, explore the writing world a bit =) but if your happy keep it the way it is! lol well done no matter what!

    < 3 Jenn

    Ps: Check your email =) my random commentary will be there... maybe a bit more understandable.... right yess... this is darling out x0x

  • 18 years ago

    by Bl0oDyAnGeLeYeZ

    U have a lot of talent ur writing has a lot of deep emotions in it...mayb u shud read some of mine they are not the best but they are kind of like this...if u ever need to talk i am here...nice job on this one 5/5