Suddenly saying I love you...

by myshiningstar14   Apr 17, 2006

As I look upon your face,
you have such grace.
Sitting on your lap, your
arms around me, holding
me tight. Can we make
this last all night?

Suddenly saying I love
you doesn't matter as
much. All that matters
is showing you how I
feel, and how you make
it real.

As I watch you look at
my face, from the corner
of my eye, I suddenly
have all the whys. No
lies, and no more
good-byes. As I sit there
wishing we could do this
forever, I realized you
are forever, my forever.

Suddenly saying I love
you doesn't matter as
much. All that matters
is holding you and being
with you, my love.

As I see our reflection, in
a mirror, we couldn't be
tighter. As I bury myself
in your arms, I can't
help but realize how
much you really mean
to me.

Suddenly saying I love
you doesn't matter as
much. All that matters
is making sure you know
I care, and that I'll
always be there.

As your lips touch my
face, kissing mine
so softly; I know
you're the one I've
always dreamed of
chasing. This is so
amazing, to have
you here next to me.

Suddenly saying I love
you doesn't matter as
much. All that matters
is being there, for you.



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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by ...Vince...

    Amazing poem! All of yours are great!!! i ll read more

  • 17 years ago

    by ...Vince...

    U write alotta good love poems keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    I can identify with this poem sooo much. After almost 11 months of going out, telling Becky that I love her doesnt seem like enough anymore...I have to SHOW her my feelings, and I guess poetry is one of those ways. This is possibly my favorite poem written by you, and definitely one of my favorites overall. Emotion is etched into every line...

  • 18 years ago

    by cLumsy

    A love poem straight from the heart. I can feel your love for him bursting in this delightful poem. May all the stars watch over your relationship and guide you two to happiness. :]