
by Katlynn   Apr 17, 2006

They talk about it over and over.
the voices ring in her head.
what ifs come to her mind.
her voice shocks in her throat.

that she might be what she's not ready for.
she cries herself to sleep knowing.
if that was true or it was false.
she would have to go and check.

she's afraid to have people think.
what if she's a real sl.ut.
one person makes a mistake.
the rest makes a comment to it.

the rumors passing along in the air.
person to person wrong to right.
look at her they might say.
they probably do everyday.

it's like no one can save her.
she's in this alone as she thinks.
what if still questions it.
until tomorrow.

* i don't know if this should go here but Oooh! well.*


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  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    This poem reminds me of high school...but life does go on.
    If poeple judge without getting to know you then you must think is there opinion worth anything? You have expressed a sentiment here that many can prolly relate to. Keep your head up and stay stong!