I hate this girl.
I hate who she is.
Nobody understands why
but I know the things she did.
I know how she smokes
and throws away her life.
I know how she counts her mistakes
by cutting every night.
I know how she yells at her reflection
and I hear the cruelest things she screams.
I know how she can't get any rest
without crying herself to sleep.
I know how she's been played
and believes it's her fault they've done it.
I know how easily she gives herself away
just to feel she's wanted.
I've seen all the empty bottles
from all the pills and liquor.
I've seen the shame on her face
every time her parents beat her.
I know the people she hangs around
who let her do these things.
I know her better than anyone else
and I hate this girl in me.
*Yes I know it's the same as every other teenage poem just with different words... it's mine though so that makes it even better ;)