Truth Divine

by Lady Vengeance   Apr 18, 2006

Impregnable imagination
Everyone hates me
A single tear will not escape
Into this bloodstained sea

Heated words that froze my heart
Blisters on my soul
Splinters to the softest hands
And eyes of blackened coal

Systems failed to jump my heart
Bodies in the sky
Standing on a rain filled cloud
With wings that cannot fly

Like eyelashes theyâ??re glued with tears
And hatred of a friend
Bruised the raindrops from the sky
As they start to descend

Departure rapid crystal clear
A Tinkle as it breaks
Synthetic smiles and plastic skin
The desire in us wakes


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by We Miss You Shannon

    This is great


  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Wow. I loved your choice of words in this piece. It was really thought provoking and deep. I loved it.

    The flow was really well done for the most part except for one certain spot.
    [Like eyelashes theyâ??re glued with tears
    And hatred of a friend
    Bruised the raindrops from the sky
    As they start to descend]
    ^^The second and the fourth line don't really flow very well. If you added another word or syllable into te fourth line, it would flow better.

    The rhymes I mean some could've been replaced with different ones, but overall they weren't too bad. Well done. =) 5/5 xoxo

    PS: No, a 4/5 isn't downvoting =P Like a 3 or lower would be lol. No worries.

  • 18 years ago

    by Tainted Beauty

    WOW! I LOVED this. The words were so beautiful and well thought out, you are a truely amazing writer, great work.


  • 18 years ago

    by Mousie

    Wow that was amazing! i wasn't quite sure the topic though or like what you were getting at, it wasn't completley clear, but the poem was amazing!! really great write!! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    Ohhhmigosh. te second third and fifth stanzas rock like whoaaa. seriously beautiful. 5/5
    Whooo hooo big words. =P