I want to get ride of you
but the tiniest little things always bring you back to my mind
why cant you disappear with no trace that you were even here.
its like your haunting me never letting me let go of you
just like it was when we were still together
you make me so mad even now though we don't talk
you always gonna be there stalking me like your prey
never letting a day go by without you coming back
I hate it I want it to stop leave me alone
and take you worthless memories with you
quit trying to force them back into my head
I suffer enough grief without your help
a lost love more like a hateful feeling dragging through my everyday
what will it take for me get you to go away
kicking, screaming, crying, Should I be placed in a padded room
what's there left for me to do
I want you gone
I want you back in the past where you belong
I want to be done with this
I want to be free from you