The Paradise that Holds Us...

by myshiningstar14   Apr 18, 2006

Racing around, my
thoughts of you.
Filled with a love
so long and true.
Singing happy love
songs so I'm never

Kisses of gold and
love never old. A
true sacrifice that
never folds, but
continues to hold
and mold our souls.

Smiles of rainbow
dreams and is never
what it seems. The
heaven that sings on
angels wings, and
the love that this
brings to the king.

Among the happy
faces and the
love that traces back
to Him, this is the
paradise that holds us.

Gardens so green and
those so un-redeemed.
The clouds that make
you feel weightless, and
the once unholy heart,
made new in this hate
less paradise.

Harps and trumpets
blearing loud, just a
joyful sound that now
crystallizes the sad
memories, now
disappearing in the
midst behind you.

A whole palace just
for you, that stays
forever true. More
treasures and
pleasures than you
can imagine.

Behind the moons
smile lies the
perfection and
interjection; this
is the paradise that
holds us.

**this just came to me...i think its a pretty poem so i sure hope u enjoy it. Luv yaz!


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  • 17 years ago

    by LoreNz0

    Yup its a very pritty poem... not sure wht its about tho lol

  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    It really is a pretty poem :). great rhyming...even when poems 'just come to you' they are amazing. strong, and bold poem, that spoke me. great job

  • 18 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse has a quality of...well the only word that actually comes to my brain dead mind is beautiful. The images, the words, even the flow worked together to create something that is pristine in its difference and very well done. Excellent work.

    "Kisses of gold and
    love never old. A
    true sacrifice that
    never folds, but
    continues to hold
    and mold our souls."

    That was just an astonishing part of the whole though each stanza had its own appeal.