How do I began?
I guess I can just start off by saying you're perfect
Pure from head to toe
Your eyes with a sapphire glow
I can't begin to describe your beauty
Like a mystery unsolved, it doesn't end there
Your personality would light up the world
If it were all of a sudden plunged into darkness
If it couldn't light up this world
It will always light up my world
My world, this world, two very different things
Because mine is sacred
And for you to be a part of my life
I can't even begin to describe my feelings
You are the perfect form of God's creation
If he could create a better person
I would find a million other ways to prove you're better
You care and you cry
But by my side
You'll have nothing to fret for years to come
Now I end this poem with love
A love that doesn't even begin to reach above
Love so infinite it would take millions of years to fall
Now I really know, I didn't lose you at all...