Comments : Left Alone Crying

  • 18 years ago

    by Sammib

    Keep it coming... I think writing helps heal ppls wounds... I know getting it out helps me and I know sharing it with others helps more... keep in mind you are helping others just cos you give them the understanding that they are not alone with what they are going through!!


  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Thanks for the comment.
    I was reading your poems... but this one, I loved!
    Amazing how you can put those words out. I wish I could do that as well as you can.
    Feelings are all we got, most of the times. And being able to express them is a blessing!

    You are added to my favorites! =)

  • 18 years ago

    by heather

    Hey Fantastic job ur a very good writer keep it up :)