A Short Ballad of an Untitled Tale

by Kayd   Apr 19, 2006

Charles we'll call him,
The cheating one lover;
Mary's her name,
She is the other

Into the pools,
Of heartfelt joy;
The pedals of lust,
And mercury toy

Plotting around,
The rims of gold love;
They dance together,
High and above

Carrying each,
The weight of the other;
Spinning away,
The newly felt lover

Their golden joy dwindles,
Their time reaches out;
After months of each other,
It's time to be stout

Mary caught him with Jane,
The neighborhood b***h;
Charles denies it,
But he has an itch

Their parting caused pain,
Screams in the night;
Jane took control,
To Mary's dear fright

Charles and Jane,
Together forever;
Mary the dear,
The castaway lever

She walks alone now,
Sorrow eating her soul;
As her one only love,
Still has a pull

She's trapped inside-out,
No escape there;
That was until,
She met 'The Bear'

Large as a mountain,
Wide as the sky;
His gentle touch,
Took tears form her eye

Where Charles had failed,
Bear took the lead;
Mary's second joy,
Forever she'd plead

It was after the years,
That the story ends;
Charles and Mary,
Had never amends

Though Jane quickly left,
Another man came;
Charles was cast,
His pain was the same

Now he was alone,
Hunting Mary awhile;
Then chased away,
Bear gave a growl

And thus comes the part,
Where truth will unfold;
What comes around goes,
Striking back... you've been told.

© KayD [2006]


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  • 18 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    I can't say it any better than Bri did. :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Bri

    OmG! WOW this so so good! 5/5 all the way! This is just so good! I love the story completely! Great job!